jam sessions

Jam Sessions
Continuing our tradition of education & value, is our Workshop/Jam Sessions series. Bring your instrument, learn in the workshops, and then put what you’ve learned to work in jam sessions with the pros! Each day at FiddleFest features workshops from 11 AM to 1 PM, and afternoon jam sessions, at either the Breezeway, or in the “Rat”, downstairs in Moody Hall. Where else can you attend a festival, listen to great concerts, learn from the pros in workshops, jam with these same folks, and camp, for just $45.00? Nowhere but FiddleFest!

Friday, July 28 Jam Sessions
1:30 PM to 2:30 PM, Visual Arts Auditorium: Pro Jam Mini-Concert
Jeanette Williams, Johnny Williams, Larry Sparks, Paul Williams, Herschel Sizemore, Owen Saunders, Adam Duke, Jody King, Jerry Butler, & Rhonda Vincent

3 PM to 4 PM, The Rathskeller: Big Jam Session (bring your instrument and pick!)
Mickey Harris, Josh Williams, Hunter Berry, Herschel Sizemore, Spencer Blankenship, Kenny Ingram, Josh McMurray, John Lawless, Michael Feagan, Chase Johner, David Davis, Marty Hays, Bull Harmon, Tammy Harmon.